“Eu respondo: eu sou capoeira…”

– M. Gajé

Grupo Senzala London was honoured to receive a visit from very special guest Mestre Gajé, invited by Mestre Sanhaço and Mestre Pastel.

Alongside capoeira and maculelê workshops, M. Gajé launched his CD “Viajando o mundo inteiro”.

Thanks also to the participation of Mestre Polaco, Mestre Ousado, Mestre Baiano, Mestra Covinha, Mestre Gandú, Mestre Fantasma.

Video credits – images: Prof. John K, editing: Athena.

Photo credits – Prof. John K

About Mestre Gajé

José Isidro de Carvalho, known as Mestre Gajé, was born in 1951 in Conceição da Feira, Bahia, Brazil. He is a Capoeira icon through his art, represented by his powerful songs. Well known in Mercado Modelo (Salvador, Brazil) and around the world, he’s a symbol of wisdom and musicality.